Hello Children of Dragon. Coming off a very full DragonCon weekend my right knee is slowly recovering. The hills of Peachtree street in downtown Atlanta are no joke! In 26 years of DragonCon I have NEVER seen a line like I saw outside the vendor venue: A snake-line folded thrice. I’m told the wait was as long as 2 hours at times. I’m not complaining, just saying how much I appreciate all the intrepid souls who made their way to us vendors and helped sell out a case of Dragon’s Heir as well as all other titles by Sunday morning. I especially want to congratulate our first Vit Na of Kemith cosplayer, Sade M. Even though we were out of books I’m sending her a Dragon’s Heir tee shirt with none other than Vit Na and Tur on the front and a Vit Na cold cup.
The panels were sensational by the way. Bravo to DragonCon in general and to the Diversity Track in particular.