Dragon’s Heir (The Efilu Legacy) has arrived!
The dinosaurs didn’t die out, they just left!
To avoid a world-wide catastrophe of their own device, the Efilu gathered together the populations of every intelligent species on the world they then called Fitu and evacuated. On a veritable Noah’s ark to the stars, the Efilu fled the wastelands and established a new empire. The Keepers of the Faith, led by their enigmatic leader, Dragon, stayed, determined to restore a dying Motherworld and save the retched mammals left behind. Except for Dragon’s cult, all other Efilu have been absent for 65 million years.

Present day. Somewhere deep in the galaxy, at the heart of the ever-expanding Efilu Realm, Vit Na, a young archaeologist, finds herself and her synesprit (soulmate), Tur, immersed in intrigue. A Plague has been discovered that threatens the very future of Efilu civilization. A diverse expedition led by Tur is dispatched to the planet Fitu, now called Earth, tasked with finding a cure. Upon arrival, they are horrified to discover a world overrun by mammals… and Dragon’s coven of Keepers is nowhere to be found.
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About Glenn Parris
Glenn Parris writes in the genres of sci-fi, fantasy, and medical mystery. Considered by some an expert in Afrofuturism, he is a self-described lifelong sci-fi nerd. His interest in the topic began as a tween before the term Afrofuturism was even coined.
As a graduate of The Bronx High School of Science, as were Samuel R. Delany, and Neil de Grasse Tyson, he was in good company to have his interests cultivated.